@Article{ Abad_MEDINA_MORAL_MONTES_TORRES_Matesanz-Del:1250014-1-1250014-22,

author = { María del Mar Abad Grau and NURIA MEDINA MEDINA and SERAFÍN MORAL CALLEJÓN and ROSA ANA MONTES SOLDADO and SERGIO TORRES SÁNCHEZ and Fuencisla Matesanz-Del Barrio } ,

title = { Increasing Power by Using Haplotype Similarity in a Multimarker Transmission/Disequilibrium Test },

journal = { Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology },

year = { 2013 },

volume = { 11 },

pages = { 1250014-1-1250014-22 },

doi = { http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1142/S021972001250014X },
