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C. Gonzalez
P. Paderewski Rodriguez,
"Human-robot interaction and sexbots: A systematic literature review", Sensors, vol.21
, 1-18, 2021
J. Molina
N. Medina Medina,
"Un enfoque para el diseño inclusivo de videojuegos centrado en jugadores daltónicos", Interacción, Revista Digital de AIPO, vol.2
, 25-37, 2021
J. Arango-Lopez, F.L. Gutierrez Vela, P. Paderewski Rodriguez, F. Moreira
D. Fonseca,
"Using geolympus to create a pervasive game experience in the higher education context", Universal Access in the Information Society
, 1-13, 2021
R. Valera-Aranguren, P. Paderewski Rodriguez, F.L. Gutierrez Vela
J. Arango,
"Model for Pervasive Social Play Experiences", "Iberoamerican Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction", None-None, 2020
B. Grass, M. Coto, C.A. Collazos-Ordóñez
P. Paderewski Rodriguez,
"Learning about Programming and Epistemic Emotions: A Gendered Analysis", Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, vol.29
, -, 2020
A. Al-Rabaiah
N. Medina Medina,
"Mobile Application Development Process in Real Environments", "Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice", 19-25, 2019
M.A. Contreras-Castañeda, J.A. Holgado Terriza, G. Pomboza, P. Paderewski Rodriguez
F.L. Gutierrez Vela,
"Smart Home: Multimodal Interaction for Control of Home Devices", "Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction", 1-8, 2019
N. Medina Medina
"Videojuegos, una herramienta útil para el aprendizaje escolar", "La educación y el audiovisual en el actual entorno digital: sinergias, retos y oportunidades", 84-94, 2019
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024